“E.L.V.” stands for “Emission Limit Value,” which refers to the maximum amount of pollutants that can be released into the environment by a particular source, such as a factory or a vehicle. The purpose of E.L.V. is to limit the impact of emissions on the environment and human health. These limits are set by regulatory agencies and can vary based on the type of pollutant, the source of emissions, and the location of the source.

E.L.V. standards help to reduce the negative effects of pollution on air quality, water quality, and soil quality. They also promote the use of cleaner technologies and fuels that can reduce the amount of emissions generated by a particular source. Compliance with E.L.V. standards is enforced through various mechanisms, such as emissions monitoring and reporting, penalties for non-compliance, and periodic inspections.

Overall, E.L.V. is an important tool for managing pollution and protecting the environment and public health. It serves as a baseline for emission reduction efforts and encourages the development and implementation of cleaner technologies and practices.