Drinking Water – Who is responsible
From 1st January 2014 Irish Water is responsible for the production, distribution and monitoring of drinking water from over 1000 public water supplies, serving 82.0% of the population. The remainder of the population is supplied by group water schemes (6.6%), small private supplies (0.8%) and private wells (10.6%) that are exempt under the Regulations. Responsibility for the water...
READ ARTICLE >Future access to raw materials is critical to sustainability………a real measure of viability
How important would it be to your business if certain key raw materials were no longer available to you? Would your business be viable or what would you do if your product range decreased dramatically due to the regulations governing the manufacture and application of products? (eg. from from 26 products supplied to many clients...
READ ARTICLE >Classification, Labelling & Packaging 2015: ACT NOW!
On the 1st of June 2015 all mixtures placed on the Irish market must be classified, labelled and packaged in accordance with CLP and a lot of work has to be done in advance to achieve this. During 2014 the Health and Safety Authority will continue to raise awareness among stakeholders about classification of mixtures, what it...
READ ARTICLE >Regulations to limit key raw materials
How important would it be to your business if certain key raw materials were no longer available to you? Would your business be viable or what would you do if your product range decreased dramatically from 26 products supplied to many clients down to a 2 product range supplied to one key customer, due to...
READ ARTICLE >Grant Assistance Available Details Announced for Septic Tanks Remediation
Mr. Phil Hogan T.D., Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government, has announced that he has signed regulations to provide for grant assistance for householders whose septic tanks are deemed to require remediation following an inspection under the EPA’s National Inspection Plan. The grants scheme will apply only where a domestic waste water treatment...
READ ARTICLE >Nitrates Directive: Good Agricultural Practice For Protection of Waters
Directive 91/676/EEC on the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources, relates to management of farm wastes and run off to protect surface water and groundwater. The directive is implemented in Ireland by S.I. No. 101/2009 – European Communities (Good Agricultural Practice For Protection of Waters) Regulations 2009 which revoke, and re-enact with amendments,...
READ ARTICLE >Rule and Regulations on Water Quality: Shellfish Water
Over the last 20+ years we have developed our understanding of the many rules and regulation governing water quality and how they are implemented in Ireland and which our clients need to both be aware of and comply with, including: Local Government (Water Pollution) Acts 1977-1990 EPA Acts 1990 – 2011 The Water Framework Directive...
READ ARTICLE >Revised Solvents Regulations and Decorative Paints Regulations 2013
Revised regulations on decorative paints and solvents were published on January 1st 2013. Re-sprayers and dry cleaners are required by law to register with their local authority, and have their premises inspected to ensure that they use appropriate products, dispose of waste in an appropriate manner and take measures to protect the environment. The EPA...
READ ARTICLE >Protection of Groundwater against Pollution and Deterioration
Directive 2006/118/EC on the protection of groundwater against pollution and deterioration was implemented in Ireland by S.I. No.9 of 2010 – European Communities Environmental Objectives (Groundwater) Regulations, 2010. The directive establishes a regime which sets underground water quality standards and introduces measures to prevent or limit inputs of pollutants into groundwater. The directive establishes quality criteria that takes...
READ ARTICLE >Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Impact Statement
The obligations under Irish law in respect of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) are derived from obligations incurred as a result of membership of the European Community within the terms of the Environmental Impact Assessment Act and Regulations. An EIA is to be conducted before consent is given for projects likely...