National Survey on Reuse of Treated Wastewater in Ireland
The Water Systems and Services Innovation Centre (WSSIC) at the Nimbus Research Centre in Cork Institute of Technology (CIT) is undertaking a project on the role of water reuse in Ireland in the context of the circular economy. The project is funded by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the EPA Research Programme 2014-2020. One key...
READ ARTICLE >Waste Permits & Licence Applications
ECOS provide expert services relating to Waste Permits and Licence applications, facilitating businesses in liaising with local authorities and the EPA. ECOS can assist you in ensuring that your business is operating within the standards set out in both Irish and European Law. As set out in the Waste Management Regulations, any individual, (person, company...
READ ARTICLE >Research Project on the Water-Energy Nexus
The European Environmental Bureau ( is currently developing a project researching the Water Energy Nexus. The project studies water use related to thermal power generation, quality assessment of discharged waste water and water pricing strategies from lignite/peat mines and thermal power plants. Generation of electricity by thermal power plants is the second most important source...
READ ARTICLE >Contaminated Land and Groundwater: Guidance Document
Many of businesses need to manage contaminated land and groundwater, arising either from historical site activities or a more recent site incident. The EPA have published guidance on the management of contaminated land and groundwater at EPA licensed facilities. The guidance presents the risk based approach which is considered to be best practice for the assessment and remediation...
READ ARTICLE >Updated Guidance on Direct Discharges to Groundwater
The EPA have published new guidance which addresses direct discharges to groundwater from point sources of potential pollution. It supplements the earlier report published by the EPA in 2011 entitled “Guidance on the Authorisation of Discharges to Groundwater” which focused on the technical assessment of indirect discharges to groundwater. The new guidance has the following primary objectives:...
READ ARTICLE >Water | Waste | Wastewater – Knowledge and Experience – Increases Sales and Saves on the Bottom Line
It used to be that information was king. However, with the advent of the internet and “Google Experts” we quickly recognised that the “king” which our clients required was the correct interpretation of information specifically tailored to their requirements. This has included: Ensuring that the most appropriate Permits and Licences in place to mitigate against business interruption, prosecution...
READ ARTICLE >Risk of illness if you drink contaminated water from private wells
The EPA estimate that 30% of private wells in Ireland are contaminated by E. coli arising from animal or human waste. HSE reports a growing number of cases of VTEC – a particularly nasty form of E.coli. Analysis of cases finds that patients are up to four times more likely to have consumed untreated water...
READ ARTICLE >Changes to groundwater directive approved
Member state representatives in Brussels have approved a series of reforms to the 2006 groundwater directive after a review of two of its annexes last year but the EU-wide quality standards have not changed. The European Commission decided there was not enough information available to set new quality standards, which means that nitrates and pesticides...
READ ARTICLE >Environment at a Glance 2013: OECD Indicators
This book offers a comprehensive snapshot of key environmental trends in OECD member countries since the early 1990s. It is organised by issues such as: climate change air pollution biodiversity and water resources waste water wastewater The report reveals big differences in environmental trends in different countries. It confirms that much more needs to be...
READ ARTICLE >Irish Water will be allowed raise prices every year: Eyecatching Headline, but the devil will be in the detail…….again
Recent newspaper headlines reported: Water charges are set to go up every year for families because Irish Water (IW) will be allowed to increase the rate. Households who stop wasting water and reduce their consumption could still end up with higher bills. Irish Water will be able to seek an annual hike in water charges...