What is “Trade Effluent” and what licences are required?
Trade effluent is any liquid discharge which is not domestic sewage (toilet, bath or hand washing waste, < 5 m3/day) or uncontaminated surface water and roof drainage (rainwater), that is to be disposed of from a business premises to the public sewer system, surface water or groundwater.
Trade effluent may contain materials such as oil, grease, nutrients, heavy metals, organic compounds, detergents, and food waste.
A Discharge Licence is required for a business to dispose of trade effluent from their premises to a public sewer.
- Applications must be made to Irish Water who are now responsible for the issuing of effluent discharge licences for effluents discharged to sewers under the provisions of Section 7 of the Water Services (No.2) Act 2013.
A Discharge Licence is also required for discharges to surface waters or groundwater.
- Applications must be made to the relevant local authority for discharges to surface waters or groundwater.
EPA licensed facilities will have details pertaining to the discharge of trade effluent presented in their Industrial Emissions or Integrated Pollution Control (IPC) Licence .
If you would like more information and to discuss your requirements for a discharge licences and the application process, please contact ECOS.
T: +353 (0) 61 633644 E: info@ecos.ie