Using chemicals for innovation? – Reach registration exemption for 5 years

ECHAChemicals intended for ‘product and process orientated research and development (PPORD)’ can be exempted from the obligation to register for five years.

  • Chemicals used in scientific development related to product and process innovation or further development of a substance may fall under the PPORDs definition.
  • However, a substance used in a PPORD activity must not reach the general public at any time – they must be used for research alone.
  • PPORD substances are also subject to legislation that covers worker and environmental protection, and so ECHA may demand more information and impose conditions on use to make sure that these objectives are met.

Companies that want to benefit from the exemption must submit a PPORD notification to ECHA.

The initial notification should include at least the following information:

  • the name of the manufacturer or importer;
  • the identity of the substance;
  • the classification of the substance;
  • the estimated quantities to be used (during the five-year period);
  • the list of customers (including names and addresses).

By submitting a notification, companies can get a five-year exemption from registration, which can be extended, on request, for another five years and in special cases for an additional 10 years.

  • While doing the research and development work, the notifier may develop sufficient knowledge of the substance and the market leading him to decide to follow up with a REACH registration.
  • However, the information needs are greater if the notifier wants a prolongation of the exemption period for their PPORD notification. They will need to submit a research and development programme with sufficient information to justify their request. 


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